Toilet Cameras: Health Perks & Privacy Risks

Plus, helping the blind see again...

I'm on holiday this week, so I'm going to switch up the format a little - just 2 interesting ideas worth investigating instead of 3, and a link to a fun old issue instead of a tip. I hope you still find it useful / entertaining / passes the time while you sit scrolling on the toilet.

Our lovely misspelt logo by Dall-E


Welcome to the Procrastilearning Newsletter, where your time is well spent even though you should probably be doing something else.

2 things worth procrastilearning over


1. Toilet cameras can now rate your poo health

If you're the kind of person who is into German ledge toilets, you'll love this new opportunity afforded by AI. For a mere 300 dollars, you can get a camera that’ll examine your poo and let you know what it can deduce about your gut health. I’m not sure if it also gives you a Bristol scale rating, but I would assume so.

Jokes aside, and even possible health benefits aside, the venture strikes me as pretty dodgy. Some places have problems with hidden cameras being put in public toilets, most notably in South Korea - perhaps the excuse ‘Oh no, it’s just a gut health camera, don’t worry!‘ will start becoming a popular lie told by the weirdos that keep making those illegal videos.

2. Blind monkeys can now see thanks to human stem cells

Great news for people whose eyesight has deteriorated with age. But surely that's enough animal testing on this one? Give that stuff to Judie Dench already.

2 quotes to keep in mind

If I want to impact the future, […it’s] not going to be anything that I did egoically in terms of getting recognition. What's going to impact them, and we know this in many ways from across multiple disciplines, […is] how I am with my children and my wife and my partner, and the behaviours that I model, because those become the memes.

Ari Wallach, futurist and academic

The scholar’s greatest weakness: calling procrastination research.

Stephen King, author

1 old thing I wrote that’s worth re-reading


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